Acronis Backup
- SCS KB 1104: Virtual machine appears twice in the Devices list
- SCS KB 1109: How to change MMScurrentMachineID and InstanceID
- SCS KB 1046: Default Storage Widget Information is Incorrect
- SCS KB 1100: How to configure static routes for Virtual Appliance
- SCS KB 1113: Corrupted MFT, Run List, Block Bitmap or Index forces Sector-by-Sector backup mode
- SCS KB 1103: Bootable media builder doesn't accept WinPE files by media creation: "The selected folder does not contain the required WinPE files"
- SCS KB 1101: Backup performed by Virtual Appliance fails with "The activity has failed due to an unexpected machine reboot or the backup process was terminated"
- SCS KB 1117: Tape Sets
- SCS KB 1105: Backup fails with "Windows error: (0x80070544) The validation information class requested was invalid
- SCS KB 1102: How to enlarge the root file system of a Virtual Appliance
- SCS KB 1099: Backup of Linux machine fails with "Common I/O error" if partition table is damaged
- SCS KB 1097: Fails to back up a VMware virtual machine with "Creating a quiesced snapshot failed" or "An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine"
- SCS KB 1098: Spotting and fixing hardware I/O errors (disk errors) on Linux
- SCS KB 1096: Backup of Virtual Machine Fails with "Failed to open the virtual machine"
- SCS KB 1095: Error "Network disconnected" when adding SFTP as backup location
- SCS KB 1089: Linux components, services, and processes
- SCS KB 1078: How to change the default port for Acronis Management Server
- SCS KB 1077: How to change port 7780 on Management Server
- SCS KB 1071: Known restore issues with XFS File system error
- SCS KB 1060: Issues utilizing DFS shares when using a virtual appliance
- SCS KB 1055: Bootable Media Builder Doesn't Launch on Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 8
- SCS KB 1053: Hyper-V Snapshot/Checkpoint error "Failed to process the call results."
- SCS KB 1050: Pause/Resume Backups Doesn't Restart a Backup Plan
- SCS KB 1028: Failed to execute the command. Deleting recovery points